Hello there, it's me

Arnold Kebaso

I'm a

I'm a web Designer with experience for over 2 years. My expertise is to create and design websites using front-end design

Kindly follow me on social media to learn more about me
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About Me

I am a Full Stack Developer

With three years experience in web development, I have expertise in both front-end and back-end web development.Throughout my career, I have developed a deep understanding of user experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) principles. By putting myself in the shoes of the end-users, I strive to create intuitive and seamless browsing experiences. I believe that a well-designed website should not only look visually appealing but also provide a smooth and enjoyable interaction for visitors. When starting a new project, I conduct thorough research and analyze the target audience and the clients specific requirements. This enables me to tailor my designs to meet their expectations and deliver unique online experience that aligns to their brand identity.

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My Services

UI/UX Design

I create beautiful user interfaces that help users in their daily tasks

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Front-End Web Design

My expertise is to create and design websites using front-end design

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Apple Developer

I build and test ios and mac-os apps using Swift User Interface

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My Skills

Technical Skills


Professional Skills

Problem Solving


Social Media App

This app boosts your social media presence. It offers suggestions on who to follow and based on your past browsing history, tailors topics that you might find interesting.

Music player

We all love to listen to music at our own time. To fully capture the lyrics and beats, then look no further than our music app.

E-commerce online shopping website

This is an online shopping store that has hundreds of clothe-wear that you can browse and even shop if the products meet you taste. It is fully functional and even has secure payment gateways such as paypal and visa. Kindly contact me to learn more about the website or visit E-commerce-website to see it for yourself


Let's Work together

With three years experience in web development, I have expertise in both front-end and back-end web development.Throughout my career, I have developed a deep understanding of user experience (UX) and User Interface principles. By putting myself in the shoes of the end-users

  • arnoldkebaso8@gmail.com
  • +254 794 497 509
  • I would really love to hear from you.
    For any enqueries you can send me a message using the form below.

    Designed by Arnold Kebaso